GLAA (Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority)

The front line in the protecting vulnerable and

exploited workers……

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We are proud to work in partnership with the GLAA or the Gangmaters & Labour Abuse Authority to give them their full name!

As part of their role to protect vulnerable and exploited workers, the Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority aim to;

  • Prevent worker exploitation
  • Protect vulnerable people
  • Tackle unlicensed/criminal activity and ensure those licensed operate within the law

Who are the Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority?

The GLAA is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) governed by an independent Board made up of a chair and six members, who were recruited for their respective knowledge, experience, and skills.

Their licensing scheme regulates businesses that provide workers to the fresh produce supply chain and horticulture industry, to make sure recruiters and employment agencies meet the employment standards required by law.

Why did we get involved? For us the benefits were clear….

  • Workers receive fair treatment and the pay, benefits, and conditions they are entitled to.
  • Labour providers are not undercut by those who pay less than the minimum wage or avoid tax. Industry standards are raised.
  • Labour users can check their workers come from a legitimate provider and are informed if their labour provider’s licence is revoked.
  • Consumers can be assured that their food has been picked and packed in an ethical environment. Illegal activities which lead to a loss of public revenue – income tax, VAT, and NI – are reduced.